Play in new window | DownloadHave you ever heard the one about the theatrical trailer that was so detailed that you didn't need to see the movie? Some fans are feeling the same way about Doctor Who leaks and promotional information. But I'm not sure those are "spoilers." Pedantry ho!
Tag Archives: TV biz
2MTL 109: New Series Almost Here — Screenings and Bus Tours Play in new window | DownloadSome quick notes about some interesting promotions the Beeb and BBC America have cooking for Matt Smith's first series.
2MTL 102: The 3D Trailer Tempest Play in new window | DownloadReaction to the latest BBC trailer for the 2010 series of Doctor Who has been somewhat mixed among adult fans — but the trailer wasn't targeted at them.
2MTL #99: Would an American Doctor Who Work? Play in new window | DownloadFollowing up on 2MTL #97, we look at the mention-in-passing of Jane Tranter possibly maybe hypothetically exploring an American Doctor Who remake. EVERYBODY PANIC?
2MTL #97: TORCHWOOD, Y'ALL!!! Play in new window | DownloadWhat would it take to make an American take on Torchwood work?
A Note About BBC America's Poorly-timed Ad
Twice during the latter half of "The End of Time, Part 1," BBC America ran an advertisement for Part 2. And even though there were a lot of rapid-fire images that would have soared over the head of a casual viewer, at least one major plot development was spoiled to observant or long-time fans. Bad …
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2MTL 81: Great News from BBC America Play in new window | DownloadNever have expectations, only hopes. Here's a very fervent hope, though, that the good news about Part One of "The End of Time" airing on BBC America just one day after its U.K. premiere begins a new trend in Doctor Who's international presence.
2MTL 80: Spoilers and Trailers and Tweets, Oh My Play in new window | DownloadMaybe it's because there were so many months between specials, but the run-up to "The Waters of Mars" seemed to include a fair bit of angst over spoilers in the set reports and promotional material. How much do we care about having a story "spoiled," and what constitutes it …
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2MTL 64: Doctor Who's Unpredictable TV Future Play in new window | DownloadWe can't predict what Doctor Who will be like fifteen, ten, or maybe even five years from now. The rate of change in the way we communicate and obtain our entertainment has gone past "crazy" in the last few years and is inching toward "scary." Speaking of scary, while …
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2MTL 58: If Torrents Become a Trickle, Will Doctor Who Be Delayed? Play in new window | DownloadUnauthorized downloads of TV shows are a fact of life today, as are efforts to curb them. If a chilling effect sets in, how might that affect how quickly international Doctor Who networks release the show? If the pressure to compete with file-sharers lessens, would that mean a longer …
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