2MTL 129: SPOILERS – Creeping with Armstrong's Ross Reviews "Flesh and Stone"

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-129.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadRoss from Creeping with Armstrong reviews "Flesh and Stone", episode 5 in the 2010 series of Doctor Who. Guest introduction by Mark Goodacre.

2MTL 124: The Boy and I Evaluate "The Eleventh Hour"

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-124.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadWe reveal the experiment's outcome, as the Two-minute Time Lad sat with his Dad to watch "The Eleventh Hour." Meanwhile, I examine Steven Moffat's palette. Spoilers for "The Eleventh Hour" and an announcement for a Nicholas Briggs event in the U.K. lie within!

2MTL 123: Tom from The Doctor Who Podcast Reviews "Victory of the Daleks"

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-123.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadTom from The Doctor Who Podcast shares his thoughts about Series 5, Episode 3, "Victory of the Daleks." Join Tom and his fellow former WhoCasters Trevor and James at their new digs, thedoctorwhopodcast.com, where they deliver cracking and sometime conflicting commentary on the new series.

2MTL 120: SPOILERS — Tachyon TV's John Williams Reviews "The Beast Below"

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-120.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSPOILERS for EPISODE TWO of Series 5! John Williams, of the very funny Tachyon TV podcast and the very insightful Behind the Sofa collaborative blog, sallies forth for precisely two minutes on "The Beast Below." Warning: The spectre of Dick van Dyke is invoked.

2MTL 116: SPOILERS — Box Room's Marty Reviews "The Eleventh Hour"

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-116.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSPOILERS FOR "THE ELEVENTH HOUR" Yes, it's a cliché, but I'll say it anyway: GERONIMO! U.K. podcaster Marty Perrett (from The Box Room Podcast and formerly of the DWO WhoCast) rushed from the telly to provide this (ahem, a little longer than two minutes!) review of Matt Smith's first …

2MTL 92: "I Don't Want to Go" – The End of Time, Part Two

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-92.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadThe end of an era, considered. Works cited: Paul Cornell's "The Last Doctor," a wonderful short story. 2MTL #87, which was on RTD's wavelength about the Doctor's fear of death and regeneration. 2MTL #4, in which I expressed my druthers about how the regeneration should go. The definition of …

2MTL 90: (SPOILERS) "The End of Time, Part One" Reviewed

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-90.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadAnd lo, the universe spake, and it said, "I loved it," "I hated it," and "I have no idea what just happened." And the host of the Two-minute Time Lord Podcast beheld "The End of Time, Part One," and chose two of the three.

2MTL 89: EVERY RTD-era Episode Reviewed!

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-89.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSo. Um. This one's slightly longer than usual. Couldn't fit it all in two minutes, no matter how hard I tried. FOUR minutes, however, was just enough for me to review every — single — episode — since 2005. "It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for, …

2MTL 47: Torchwood Wrap-up with Mark

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-47.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMark Goodacre returns with one last look at Torchwood: Children of Earth. 2MTL returns to a normal pace and schedule next week featuring an interview with Tony Lee, writer of IDW's new ongoing monthly Doctor Who comic series.