2MTL 374: "The Stone Rose" Revisited

My The Audio Guide to Babylon 5 cohost, occasional 2MTL contributor and spouse, Shannon, returns with a review of the recently reissued The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner — but does she do so with Rose-colored glasses?

2MTL 373: "The Girl in the Fireplace" Throwback Review

"The Girl in the Fireplace" is a glimpse into the future: Steven Moffat's second Doctor Who story pretty much establishes the format that the show will follow when he takes over as showrunner and casts Smith, Gillan and Darvill. Plus, we revisit a 2MTL topic from 2009 and marvel at the entire cast's relational flexibility, and talk about the other John Byrne.

2MTL 372: Three Doctors, One Paul Cornell

Paul Cornell has a dream project with Titan Comics: a crossover event with all three stars of their ongoing DOCTOR WHO series! It's early yet, so Paul is circumspect about the plot, but you can find out who his artistic collaborator will be and discover the tone of this highly anticipated team-up of the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors. PLUS an update on Paul's SHADOW POLICE series of novels!

Want to buy the miniseries at your local comics shop? Here's a proper Calendar of Events:

  • May 2 (Free Comic Book Day): Titan will present a free comic featuring three Doctor Who stories and a teaser for the miniseries including an interview with Paul.
  • May 20: PREVIEWS, the Diamond Comic Distributors ordering catalog, goes online . You can fill out the order form and take it to your comics shop.
  • May 27: Paper copies of PREVIEWS arrive at your shop.
  • June 24: This is your last chance to tell your shop to order an extra copy for you!
  • August 12: Issue 1!
  • August 15: Doctor Who Comics Day, with Paul and other creators making store appearances around the world.
  • August 19-September 9: Issues 2-5!

2MTL 370: Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of "Rose"

From Gallifrey One, here's my celebration of the 10th anniversary of the airing of "Rose." Thanks to my friends at Radio Free Skaro for inviting me to share the stage once more for their Friday morning live show, "Behind the Magic".

2MTL 369: "School Reunion" Throwback Review

It's been a LONG time since we've done a Throwback Review. So let's pick up where we left off: with an insufferable TARDIS couple realizing that things are just a little bit complicated, and a heaping helping of nostalgia from the Archetypal Companion and the Shooty Dog Thing.

2MTL 368: The Last "Last Christmas" Panel (Time Dilation)

It's still Christmas, darn it! And the Doctor Who series isn't over yet! At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself, by inviting National Public Radio's Petra Mayer and Doctor Who: Verity!'s Tansy Rayner Roberts over to 2MTL to talk one last time about Last Christmas, Steven Moffat and Clara Oswald.