2MTL 349: More Than 2,000 Years in the TARDIS?

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-349.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadTwo thousand years! That's how old The Doctor is now, as stated by the Twelfth in the latest trailer and as implied in his predecessor's swan song, "The Time of the Doctor." That's a pretty huge leap from roughly 900 years old at the start of Steven Moffat's showrunnership. …

2MTL 335: Bigger Than Life

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-335.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadMirroring Doctor Who's enormous popularity, the Doctor himself has become a bigger and bigger deal in his own fictional universe, and the axis around which most of his stories have rotated in recent years. Is it time to dial things back? Maybe even go back to the old, formulaic …

2MTL 310: "The Name of the Doctor" Reviewed

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-310.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadAfter virtually blowing up my bathroom (read the instructions on compressed-gas sink plungers CAREFULLY) it took me a while to catch up and review the series finale. I try to answer the two questions that MUST be answered: how about that Clara resolution, and how about that Greatest Secret?

2MTL 307: "Nightmare in Silver" Reviewed

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-307.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadNeil Gaiman's second episode of Doctor Who isn't quite as strong as his first, but it's still darn good. Could it be that this time the writer was working in a traditional Doctor Who playground rather than "The Doctor's Wife"'s bubble universe? Check out Ryan Britt and Chris Lough's …

2MTL 303: "Cold War" Reviewed

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-303.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadI guess it's possible that I'm simply a Bad Fan (™ Warren Frey), but I can't say that I was excited about the return of the Ice Warriors. Admit it: didn't the old ones look kind of — silly? Turns out the monster itself was mostly a triumph in …

2MTL 301: "The Rings of Akhaten" Reviewed

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-301.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadDoctor Who as written and directed by Jack Kirby? To this comics reader this certainly LOOKED like an episode that belonged in DC Comics's world of mad gods and flying supercycles. But did "The Rings of Akhaten" belong in Doctor Who's world?