2MTL 57: Toby Hadoke and the Future of "Moths"

Toby Hadoke generously spent some time on Skype with me to talk about the last few (apparently, for now…but "never say never…") performances of his fantastic one-man show, Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf. We talked about how it feels to wrap up the show, and what it's like to perform it in front of an audience of convention-going fans who can fact-check him trivia point for trivia point.

As usual, there will be a "Time Dilation" edition of the 2MTL podcast several days from now with the full, roughly 15-minute version of the interview — probably 2MTL #60.

(I'm looking forward to seeing "Moths" live for my first (and last?) time at Hurricane Who in Orlando, Florida, this October.)

2MTL 55: Why I'm a Bad Doctor Who Fan

Let's get this out of the way first: I haven't seen many classic Doctor Who episodes, but I do remember liking "Caves of Androzani" when I was a kid, and "Remembrance of the Daleks" was just as good on the DVD I got last year as when I saw it on a bootleg VHS tape in college. The other episodes I've dabbled in, however…

…well, I guess I need some help. So I can more properly appreciate my "roots."

For Some Reason, the Television Zombies Let Me In the Room

The freewheeling and vociferous Television Zombies invited me to contribute a commentary about Torchwood: Children of Earth in their latest podcast, Television Zombies #93. You'll find it at the end of their spirited conversation about all things cult TV. The topic: how would The Doctor have handled the 456 invasion differently? My initial answers: "Which Doctor?" and "If you mean the tenth one, you might be surprised…."

2MTL 54: The iTunes Connection

While things are still looking up for Doctor Who on BBC America, the longer the delay between U.K. and U.S. airings, the greater the impact of spoilers (and the resulting temptation to obtain the BBC One airings through "other means"). BBC America can solve this by airing the episodes as close to day-and-date as humanly possible. But what about folks who can't get BBC America, or don't watch enough TV to justify the expense? If BBC America does this, the U.S. iTunes Store is suddenly viable for Doctor Who….

Contact BBC America.

2MTL 52: Why I Follow Doctor Who

A while back in 2MTL #37, I questioned whether Doctor Who could ever grow beyond a cult phenomenon in the U.S. Now, the show's reception at SDCC was phenomenal, so that's a hopeful sign. (On the other hand, SDCC loved Serenity as well.) I promised at the end of #37 that I'd share my reasons for bucking the trend as an American fan. Here, just a little late thanks to this tiny little thing called Torchwood, is my 120-second response — and a request.

So why do you follow Doctor Who? Send me a link to an audio file with your one-sentence answer — "I follow Doctor Who because…" — at webmaster AT twominutetimelord DOT com and I'll edit my favorites together into a future 2MTL podcast! Agree with me, disagree with me, it's all good; different sorts of Doctor Who fans will blend together in this podcast as well as Colin Baker's coat!


2MTL 51: Doctor Who's Third "Series One"

I know some folks who are going to be unhappy about the BBC's plans to renumber Team Moffat's first year as "Series One" (per DWM #411). But I don't think that's just a marketing decision. It says something about what's going to happen in 2010….

Torchwood: Children of Earth "Day Four" Liveblog

Two more nights of that light-hearted romp, "Children of Earth"! Please join us for the liveblog — or, if you missed it, read on for the replay.