Listener Katie Stuart asked in the comments for 2MTL #65 why online fandom seems to revile a character she loves, Rose Tyler. While I think the good folks at Bridging the Rift might have a better finger on the pulse of this subject, I'm happy to give it the old college try….
There have been original video spinoffs in Doctor Who's history. American comics publishers have had some success in original animated videos. Put these two great tastes together and you get something I'd like to see: new animated stories featuring the First, Second and Third Doctors. But can we get past the deceased actor problem? PLUS: Barry Letts.
Gosh, what a lot of news we've recently had in the Doctor Who world! I'm breathless. Or perhaps I'm exhausted from my attempt to ape Yahtzee Croshaw in this week's quick survey of three topics:
A quick follow-up on last episode's questions about Doctor Who's future on the TV of Tomorrow!!! thanks to Smart Money magazine. (The web page will try to talk to you. Scroll down and stop the annoying video.)
Mr. Tony Lee has a new original graphic novel coming out — the Dracula sequel Harker. You should get it. And we should see some long-form Doctor Who OGNs while we're at it.
"I sense danger, Mistress!" "Oh, K-9, they're not after you. They're after the people who made that new trailer."
We can't predict what Doctor Who will be like fifteen, ten, or maybe even five years from now. The rate of change in the way we communicate and obtain our entertainment has gone past "crazy" in the last few years and is inching toward "scary." Speaking of scary, while I can't predict the show's future, I can imagine a couple of dire scenarios!
I got the idea for this podcast thanks to the new Did You Know 4.0 video, embedded above. Find out more about the educators and futurists who put it together at the Fischbowl. As influential as their "Shift Happens" message has been in education and commerce, I'm almost ashamed to have spun their work into a commentary about a TV show. Almost.
Who ever expected to see thousands of people singing "The Old Rugged Cross" in a planet-wide flying traffic jam? What impact did that moment have in a story that's all about the limitations of faith? And where does your humble host wish the lesson of "Gridlock" would be learned?
Warren Frey — that shill for SPACE* — had some interesting recent thoughts about why a non-platonic Doctor worked in Series 1-4, along with a request that Moffat not go there in Series 5. While I agree we don't need a big honking love story subplot again, some level of affection between the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond may have to be explored….
At last, here's the full version of my interview with Toby Hadoke about the future of "Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf" and the use of Doctor Who as a child-rearing tool. Enjoy!
There's enough separation between the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of Doctor Who to make a classic series companion's return a risky venture. For a mass audience, the "companion's return" story has simply been done, already. And even for a hardcore fan audience, nostalgia can only carry you so far. But under certain circumstances, it just might work….
Unauthorized downloads of TV shows are a fact of life today, as are efforts to curb them. If a chilling effect sets in, how might that affect how quickly international Doctor Who networks release the show? If the pressure to compete with file-sharers lessens, would that mean a longer lag time between the U.K. and other nations?