2MTL 193: Delving Deeper into Gallifrey 22 (Time Dilation)

We're in full-on Time Dilation mode, all right, as I catch up on some of the reflections on last weekend's Gallifrey One 22 convention. Chicks Dig Time Lords co-editor Tara O'Shea and I talk about fandom, feminism and the digital world the next generation of Doctor Who fans inhabits. Then, I spend some time with the longtime volunteer whom I helped excavate the convention's official TARDIS: actor, comedian and Gallifrey One auctioneer and master of ceremonies Tadao Tomomatsu.

Regular two-minute podcasts will return soon!

2MTL 192: Looking Through a Time Lord's Eyes in L.A.

This podcast contains: reflections on time and space as depicted in a museum and comic books, and content recorded looooooonnnng before I was able to post it!

References: the art in question and, for the juxtaposition of time and space in comics, scottmccloud.com.

2MTL 191: Return to Gallifrey One (Time Dilation)

Erik, co-host of The Doctor Who Book Club and Bridging the Rift contributor, joins me for our Wednesday-night reflction on why we've made the pilgrimage to Gallifrey One, and our plans for the convention.

(Time Dilation podcasts are EXPRESSLY designed to break the two-minute format. No warranty is provided.)

2MTL 189: Hoping for a (Torchwood) Miracle

"Children of Earth" was undeniably brilliant, but it ran the Torchwood concept through a Cuisinart. Is there enough left for "Miracle Day" to feel like Torchwood, or something new entirely? And is that a good thing?

2MTL 188: "World War Three" Two-minute Throwback

Yes, "World War Three" is better than "Aliens of London." Which is somewhat like saying a stab wound is better than amputation. All the same, there's some important and valuable stuff in RTD's otherwise least-successful Doctor Who story.

PLUS an announcement: there's a trivia throwdown coming at Gallifrey One between The Doctor Who Podcast and Staggering Stories. I'm moderating this cataclysmic struggle, so I need your trivia questions and answers. Send them to quiz@twominutetimelord.theincomparable.com by February 10!


Recrimination! Rage! Retweeting! We're looking at the (non-)controversy over Doctor Who's losses at the National Television Awards yesterday, and the ritual assignations of blame.

Everything's fine, folks. Really.

2MTL 186: IDW's New Eleventh Doctor Series

In the first issue of the newly-relaunched Doctor Who comic series from IDW, writer Tony Lee captures the Eleventh Doctor so meticulously you're tempted to credit Matt Smith for the acting job.

(Tony was last seen in these parts reviewing The Pandorica Opens and talking about comics in 2MTL 143.)

2MTL 185: "Aliens of London" Two-minute Throwback

Michael of the excellent Tin Dog Podcast frequently observes, when he reviews an old and not-much-missed story, that "it's actually not that bad!" Would that I could say the same of an episode that brought to 2005 some of the stereotypical criticisms leveled at the classic series: bad effects, bad monsters and bad pacing.