2MTL 211: TimeGate 2011 Podcaster Roundtable (Time Dilation)

Joining me for a quick roundtable about Series 6 and BBC America are my friends here at TimeGate 2011: Mike from Earth Station One, Denise from Little Finish, Matt from US WhoCast, and David and Marty from Hoo on Who.

2MTL 209: "A Tear, Doctor?" Quite a Lot, Actually

One of the most fascinating things about "The Doctor's Wife" had little to do with its star writer — it was Matt Smith's excellent performance revealing the complex, powerful emotions buried inside the Eleventh Doctor. For a supposedly "understated" Doctor, Smith's last scene opened up the floodgates…

2MTL 207: Your Neil Gaiman Preparedness Kit, Plus Spoilergate (Time Dilation)

Fandom is so atomized: Take any two wildly popular genre figures such as "Doctor Who" and "Neil Gaiman" and you'll find many fans of one nearly unaware of the other. In this Time Dilation edition of 2MTL, Chicks Dig Time Lords co-editor Tara O'Shea and I take a walk down the the shelves full of Gaiman's prose, comics and screen work to provide a little explanation of why those of us in the middle of the Venn diagram are so excited.

But first: a traditional two-minute segment, as I tackle "Spoilergate."

More Zombies, with Tony Lee In

The Television Zombies' latest episode includes more discussion of "The Impossible Astronaut" (as well as a Game of Thrones review — hey, guys, about those screener DVDs…) and an excellent interview with Tony Lee.

(Note that the guys are much more cheerfully profane on TVZ. It was ironic that the only person who needed bleeping in 2MTL 204 was…me!)

2MTL 204: American TV, Doctor Who, and Television Zombies (Time Dilation)

Jeff, Chris and Chuck of the popular cult TV podcast Television Zombies show up on my show, after a couple of years of having me on as a DW geek on call, to talk about how Doctor Who's going over in the States. What happens when three guys who're into more genre TV than Doctor Who encounter a monofocused host? Find out as I get their predictions for Saturday's "Day of the Moon."

2MTL 203: In Defense of BBC America

Some U.S. fans accustomed to waiting for iTunes or using "other means" to get their Who Fix (TM) found it hard to deal with commercials, promos and additions to the day-and-date broadcast of "The Impossible Astronaut" on BBC America. Patience, folks: not only are those changes unavoidable in the TV biz, but they're ultimately a good thing even for Doctor Who in the U.K.!

(Record ratings in the U.S. and Canada! Solid A.I.!)