2MTL 234: Torchwood: Wrapping Up "The Gathering," "The Blood Line" and Miracle Day

It's catch-up time as we take a look at the concluding episodes of Torchwood: Miracle Day, and render a verdict for the series. And demand that one of this year's debuting characters meets the Eleventh Doctor.

2MTL 231: Torchwood: "End of the Road" Reviewed

After a couple of atypical episodes, "End of the Road" is on a more typical Miracle Day flight plan: talkier, more gradual. Matt Hills argues this is part and parcel of the show being a suspense thriller, not an SF action romp, and I agree. And yet, this slower episode gives me a chance to look at a few frustrations I have with a series I otherwise enjoy.

2MTL 230: Torchwood: "Immortal Sins" Reviewed


So. Was it good for you, too?

Of course, curse me for not being able to single out a reason why it struck such a chord with me beyond the most obvious distinction between this and the previous episodes — besides John Barrowman finally coming off the sidelines, that is.

(My son totally wanted me to make him into a Cyberman. Thanks, Luke!)

2MTL-229: Doctor Who and CDTL Big Winners at 2011 Hugos

Apparently Hugo voters dig Doctor Who and essayists who dig time lords! Congratulations to 2011 Hugo winners "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang" and Chicks Dig Time Lords.

The Hugo Awards ceremony is on the Worldcon Ustream channel. (Thanks to Steven from Radio Free Skaro for the audio.)

2MTL 228: Torchwood: "The Middle Men" Reviewed

Does the sixth episode of Miracle Day regain its footing with what is essentially Part Two of "Escape from the Overflow Camps"? Somewhat surprisingly, yes!

Co-executive producer Jane Espenson blogs about "The Middle Men" at afterelton.com.

2MTL 227: The Doctor Who Fan Orchestra (Time Dilation)

Meet Stephen Willis and Robin LaPasha, the leaders of the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra, which assembled performers around the world for an arrangement of Murray Gold's Eleventh Doctor theme. Find out what it took to create a virtual orchestra, and which music they'll adapt next in their ongoing celebration of Gold's work. (They need more performers! Follow the links above for more information!)

2MTL 226: Torchwood: "The Categories of Life" Reviewed

Aaaannnnd we're firmly in Children of Earth-level darkness territory with the fifth episode of Miracle Day. Spoilers ho, of course, as I mull over whether I'm starting to go wobbly (in not a good way) over the show's direction.

2MTL 225: Defending Torchwood's First Season and Reviewing "Escape to L.A." (Time Dilation)

(Torchwood being Torchwood, and Jack Harkness being Jack Harkness, this podcast is slightly more explicit than usual.)

Archivist and Chicks Dig Time Lords co-editor Lynne Thomas joins me as we discuss the merits of the frequently-derided first season of Torchwood — thus bucking the conventional wisdom that it only "got good" with Children of Earth. Lynne contributed her essay on the subject, "Camp Noir," to Graeme Burk and Robert Smith?'s anthology Time Unincorporated 3.

Also: Miracle Day Episode 4, "Escape to L.A." is reviewed.

Thanks to Radio Free Skaro for the "conventional wisdom" excerpts.