Play in new window | DownloadThe hiatus between Doctors is near an end, and a podcast born out of a love of David Tennant and Russell T Davies comes out of its own hiatus for their return.
Tag Archives: 2MTL updates
2MTL 427: Regeneration Play in new window | DownloadWelcome to the new Two-minute Time Lord Podcast: alternating essays by Chip and–hopefully!–a constellation of new perspectives from the Doctor Who community.
Announcing "This Week in Time Travel" Play in new window | DownloadJoining The Incomparable podcast network on March 28, Alyssa Franke, I, and some of our friends and (dare we say) Companions will take a look at the week that was–and the week that will be–in the worlds of Doctor Who. New episodes of This Week in Time Travel will drop every …
2MTL 414: Regeneration Play in new window | DownloadPeoples of the Universe, please attend carefully.
Where's 2MTL?
Two-minute Time Lord podcasts have been sporadic of late (an overused cutesy phrase online that translates to "Have been published at a rate approaching that of Harper Lee novels"), and I wanted to check in and explain. Surprisingly, considering the length, 2MTL episodes take a lot of energy and focus. They're mostly scripted; I'm a …
Chip on The Doctor Who Podcast and, Separately, Coughing Up a Lung
Apologies for the reduced 2MTL output lately. Work and impending holidays have kept me very busy, and now my wife and I are both fighting off illness. I hope to have a new 2MTL up soon, but in the meantime, here's a recap of my recent appearances on The Doctor Who Podcast: As mentioned in …
Continue reading "Chip on The Doctor Who Podcast and, Separately, Coughing Up a Lung"
Gone Fishin'
2MTL is taking a little mental health break at the moment, but will be back this weekend for another guest review that looks inside the Pandorica. See you then.
2MTL 115: A 2MTL Series 5 Announcement and 2MTL 114 in English This Time! Play in new window | DownloadSoooo, thank you for your patience with our little April Fool. My wife's Spanish-language commentary was actual, honest-to-God content; in today's podcast she repeats her plea for a change in the approach to Doctor Who companions — in English this time. But, first, some announcements about a big change …
Continue reading "2MTL 115: A 2MTL Series 5 Announcement and 2MTL 114 in English This Time!"
2MTL #96: Four for the Road Play in new window | DownloadAmy Pond's supposed vocation, courtesy The Sun (spoilers if true); Television Zombies 112 with Chip and The End of Time; moonlighting with Trevor at the DWO WhoCast; recent automotive misadventures.
2MTL 82: Two-minute Thanks Play in new window | DownloadIf you'll forgive the indulgence, today's Thanksgiving edition of the Two-minute Time Lord podcast offers my personal thanks to a certain group of podcasters; a certain group of television cast, crew and production staff; and a certain group of YOU.