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Tag Archives: Tenth Doctor
2MTL 417: Throwback Review of "The Idiot's Lantern" Play in new window | DownloadIt's been a while since we did a Throwback Review, so let's look back at Mark Gatiss's second episode of New Who, which feel surprisingly like a mashup of the classic series and 1966's Batman TV show.
2MTL 413: Technophobia Phobia Play in new window | DownloadLet's get this right out of the way: Big Finish's "Technophobia" is a triumphant return for the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble, almost as though Tennant and Tate never left. And that weirded me the heck out.
2MTL 374: "The Stone Rose" Revisited Play in new window | DownloadMy The Audio Guide to Babylon 5 cohost, occasional 2MTL contributor and spouse, Shannon, returns with a review of the recently reissued The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner — but does she do so with Rose-colored glasses? David Tennant's appearance on Colin Murray
2MTL 341: "Tooth and Claw" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadEight years ago we saw a new side to the Doctor and his companion, who reached stratospheric levels of self-satisfaction. Was Queen Victoria right about what awful people they were? Are a smug Doctor and Rose worse than, say, a Doctor trying to brain a caveman or strangle a …
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2MTL 321: "New Earth" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadThe single clearest indication you can get of what a new Doctor's going to be like won't come around until the second full episode. (This I vow to be self-evident! Unless you disagree with me, at which point it becomes an argument for a future 2MTL!) "New Earth" is …
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2MTL 302: The Tennant Question (plus Kyle Anderson on fan entitlement) Play in new window | DownloadTenth Doctor, or Tenth Point Five? Plus some Value Added Material from Kyle Anderson (@FunctionalNerd), who is calmly warring against fan entitlement. Hear Kyle at Doctor Who: The Writer's Room and WTF Are You Watching?
2MTL 209: "A Tear, Doctor?" Quite a Lot, Actually Play in new window | DownloadOne of the most fascinating things about "The Doctor's Wife" had little to do with its star writer — it was Matt Smith's excellent performance revealing the complex, powerful emotions buried inside the Eleventh Doctor. For a supposedly "understated" Doctor, Smith's last scene opened up the floodgates…
2MTL 173: "Death of the Doctor," Resonating Concrete, and Knowing Your Modern Doctors Play in new window | Download"Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete." Sometimes, the Doctor is tinkering with something he can't take his attention from, which traps him in a revealing conversation. It's a scripting strategy that RTD and Steven Moffat have used since 2005, most recently in "Death of the Doctor," and it's worked …
2MTL 92: "I Don't Want to Go" – The End of Time, Part Two Play in new window | DownloadThe end of an era, considered. Works cited: Paul Cornell's "The Last Doctor," a wonderful short story. 2MTL #87, which was on RTD's wavelength about the Doctor's fear of death and regeneration. 2MTL #4, in which I expressed my druthers about how the regeneration should go. The definition of …
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