Play in new window | DownloadAn awful moment at the BFI premiere of the latest Sherlock series made me think about how much more broad and welcoming Doctor Who fandom should be of its creative communities and other "outsiders."
Tag Archives: fandom
2MTL 318: There Are No Fandom Gatekeepers Play in new window | DownloadMy wife Shannon guests with her reaction to the recent online criticism of Doctor Who "fangirls." Uncharacteristically for 2MTL, Shannon has provided genuine show notes: The tweet that started today’s mess, for which there has been something of an apology: Dear Fangirl. The average age of the actor to …
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2MTL 316: What IS "Doctor Who Canon" Anyway??? (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadSo while we wait for Sunday's announcement of the actor that will play the next Doctor, let's talk about that stickiest of subjects, Doctor Who canon. We won't discuss whether Dimensions in Time is "in" or Time Crash is "out" (the answer is no and no, by the way) …
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2MTL 264: Who Should Win the Hugo? Play in new window | DownloadWill Who reign supreme at the 2012 Hugos? I thought I knew who I would vote for, were I a Worldcon member, but then I wavered not only over a non-Doctor Who nominee, but also questions about the nature of the awards themselves. Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) (512 …
2MTL 256: MythBusters Co-host Grant Imahara Talks Doctor Who Play in new window | DownloadResplendent in his Tenth Doctor costume and brandishing a sonic screwdriver with the authority of one of television's best-known mechanical geniuses, MythBusters co-host Grant Imahara came to Los Angeles's Gallifrey One, the world's biggest Doctor Who convention. We took a few minutes to talk about how he came back …
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2MTL 227: The Doctor Who Fan Orchestra (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadMeet Stephen Willis and Robin LaPasha, the leaders of the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra, which assembled performers around the world for an arrangement of Murray Gold's Eleventh Doctor theme. Find out what it took to create a virtual orchestra, and which music they'll adapt next in their ongoing celebration …
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2MTL 213: On Spoilers, One Last Time (I Swear!) Play in new window | DownloadMiss Manners being unavailable, I take it upon myself to pontificate about spoilers one last time, in light of the revelations about River Song yet to air outside the U.K.
2MTL 198: Enchanted Believers and Mourning Ianto Jones Play in new window | DownloadWere you so saddened by the death of Ianto Jones in 2009's Torchwood: Children of Earth that it almost felt like you'd lost someone close to you? Or did you see the online reaction and hear about his Memorial Wall in Cardiff and wonder, "Where the HECK is this …
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2MTL 193: Delving Deeper into Gallifrey 22 (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadWe're in full-on Time Dilation mode, all right, as I catch up on some of the reflections on last weekend's Gallifrey One 22 convention. Chicks Dig Time Lords co-editor Tara O'Shea and I talk about fandom, feminism and the digital world the next generation of Doctor Who fans inhabits. …
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2MTL 184: Yes, I Have a Freak Flag Play in new window | DownloadPlease indulge me in yet another slightly extended podcast, with a little look at the proud eccentricities and the less-proud excesses and turf wars of Doctor Who fandom. Andy Ihnatko's tongue-in-cheek Freak Flag Compact The Podcast Podcast