2MTL 119: Questioning My Kid's Readiness for Series 5

Although there were notable exceptions — many written by Steven Moffat — the baseline atmosphere for the last five years of Doctor Who wasn't overwhelmingly creepy. I'm expecting Series 5 to be a little creepier, and I wonder if my eight-year-old is ready for it.

2MTL 118: Notes on the New Doctor Who Theme

A couple of news bits, and then we get into the most violent controversy of "The Eleventh Hour": the new opening titles.

(A good, thunderclap-free version of the theme, with the "middle eight," is on YouTube.)

2MTL 117: The North American Premiere of "The Eleventh Hour"

No spoilers this time! On the phone with me from Wondercon in San Francisco, Nancy, a/k/a @twillian on Twitter, was in the audience for the BBC America-hosted North American premiere of "The Eleventh Hour." How'd it go over…?

2MTL 116: SPOILERS — Box Room's Marty Reviews "The Eleventh Hour"


Yes, it's a cliché, but I'll say it anyway: GERONIMO! U.K. podcaster Marty Perrett (from The Box Room Podcast and formerly of the DWO WhoCast) rushed from the telly to provide this (ahem, a little longer than two minutes!) review of Matt Smith's first adventure.

The Box Room Podcast

Box Room Forum

Box Room cohorts at The Legion of Tangent podcasting syndicate

2MTL 115: A 2MTL Series 5 Announcement and 2MTL 114 in English This Time!

Soooo, thank you for your patience with our little April Fool. My wife's Spanish-language commentary was actual, honest-to-God content; in today's podcast she repeats her plea for a change in the approach to Doctor Who companions — in English this time.

But, first, some announcements about a big change in The Two-minute Time Lord Podcast: regular episodes will continue on Mondays and Thursday nights (EDT), and then on the weekends top U.K. podcasters take over the mic with two-minute reviews of each new Doctor Who episode. First up, Marty from the Box Room Podcast and DWO WhoCast fame!

And stay tuned for news from Wondercon. It's going to be a busy weekend.

2MTL 114: Thinking Ahead to the Next Companion

In which mi esposa makes a return appearance, and — nothing against Amy Pond! — makes known her preferences for the Doctor's future companions.

(So, um, this was my April Fool episode — her commentary's entirely in Spanish. But the English translation's in 2MTL #115….)

2MTL 113: Placing My Bets on Series 5's Reception

Prognostication and pontification are the order of the day, as I try to make a prediction — based on the few scenes we've seen and all the clues so far — about the trajectory of Matt Smith's debut among the general public. With the obvious handicap of me not actually being part of the rank-and-file of the British general public, which means I am likely 100 percent wrong about Doctor Who's immediate future.

2MTL 112: Surveying the Sixth Doctor

As a Johnny-come-lately to so many aspects of classic Doctor Who, I've come to really appreciate the Sixth Doctor. He was the most impractical, cartoonish one of the lot — on the surface…

Trevor and I reviewed the Big Finish Lost Stories, including my current fave Leviathan, on DWO WhoCast 168. Steven from Radio Free Skaro is slaving away on his classic series reviews, currently in the Sixth Doctor era, at The Chronic Hysteresis.

2MTL 111: Remembering Remembrance of the Daleks

We interrupt my normal stream of thought to bring you this message: I have a deep and abiding love of "Remembrance of the Daleks."

PLUS: A message from THE Tony Gallichan about a signing event for THE Colin Baker at Waterstone's Lakeside in the U.K. Podcasters will be present, with a sample DVD from the Doctor Who Podcaster's Alliance (including some 2MTL contributions).

Other Podcasts I've Haunted Recently

It's been a while since I mentioned my appearances on other podcasts (some were planned, some not so much!), so here's a rundown.

  • DWO WhoCast: Trevor and I talked about the first three Colin Baker "Lost Stories" for Big Finish in episode 168 and dissected Steven Moffat again — or at least, his second DWM interview — in 169. Coming up in 175 I'll have some interviews recorded at Gallifrey 21, and then we'll see if Trev's had enough of me. (Have you heard that Tom guy? He's awesome.)
  • Radio Free Skaro: We'll not talk (much) about what it took to get there, but the Gallifrey 21 prequel confab of eight podcasters around a lobby table happened in episode 183 (you'll hear me for a nanosecond). RFS also recorded the podcasting panel, which is shared in 186 along with a bonus interview of the IDW comic's creative team Tony Lee and Matthew Dow Smith by Steven and me.
  • Doctor Who: Podshock: Tractor beams drew me across the Gallifrey 21 lobby to a table outside Champions commandeered by the Podshock crew. Thus, I found myself part of their "halftime show" reviewing Gally to that point: episode 185.