2MTL 167: The BBC from Distant Shores, and That Big SJA Spoiler

BBC Week continues, with five-year expatriate professor Mark Goodacre, the Resident Alien, talking about his concern over the BBC and drawing a parallel with those dark Doctor Who years that began in 1989. PLUS: A bonus spoiler section at the end, regarding certain revelations from the "Death of the Doctor" Sarah Jane Adventures screening!

2MTL 166: Perryman's Prediction: The Future of Doctor Who at the BBC

Who Fix co-founder, Tachyon TV co-conspirator, and video and new media professor (wait, that sounds terribly legitimate) Neil Perryman fixes blame for Dimensions in Time while making some best-case and worst-case predictions for Doctor Who's future. This is Day 2 of BBC Week on 2MTL.

Next up: Mark Goodacre, the Resident Alien, with an expat's perspective on the BBC and Doctor Who.

2MTL 165: BBC's Under Pressure; How's Doctor Who?

Today kicks off a one-week series of Two-minute Time Lord Podcasts exploring the relationship of Doctor Who and the BBC, an institution with an increasingly cloudy future. While Doctor Who is in no immediate danger, BBC budgets continue to be cut and the license fee is under attack.

What might it mean for the long-term future of Doctor Who? Would changes to the BBC affect its most popular drama?

Find out more about BBC Week on 2MTL on today's podcast, and come back for the rest of the week for thoughts from three guest contributors from the U.K.: Neil Perryman, Mark Goodacre and Simon Harries.

2MTL 164: Censorship and Free Expression in Doctor Who

A few days after the U.S.'s Banned Books Week, I explore the ways censorship and free expression have been tackled within the range of Doctor Who video, audio and print, with the help of many suggestions from my friends on Twitter and Facebook. When censorship's come up in a Doctor Who story, how simplistic has it been?

Next week: a special week of programming with some special guests taking different perspectives on a special topic. I think it'll be special. I hope you'll like it.

2MTL 163: Jumping into the Vortex (My Talk With Carolina Who)

The lovely folks at the Raleigh Doctor Who Meetup Group invited me to speak at their third annual banquet last Saturday, and co-organizer Brad Gillespie kindly recorded it on his Flip camera. I talk about why I started 2MTL ("shiny, happy spite"), returning to Doctor Who fandom after falling away, and why Doctor Who is a better Star Trek than Star Trek ever was. But first, there's a quick disclaimer about my thoughts on fezzes and fans in 2MTL 162.

"Victory of the Daleks" Commentary on Radio Free Skaro 216

Sorry for not mentioning this here earlier, but perhaps I was trying to wipe my brain of the memory. Unlike Tom of The Doctor Who Podcast, whose opinion of "Victory" soared after his initial skepticism here on 2MTL, my initial lukewarm-favorable opinion declined over time — especially under the withering gaze sitting in Warren's commentary chair demands.

Had a lot of fun sitting with Steven and Chris on this one, and I think I did a slightly better job, as we talked about sprinklers, camera moves, and eyelines. Check it out.

2MTL 161: That McGann Guy Could Be a Good Guest Star

A little while back, I noticed a flurry of activity in the ol' Twitter feed, campaigning for Paul McGann's return as the Eighth Doctor in the new series. If it could be done, should it? I think so, because there's one completely unique quality to the Eighth Doctor that Steven Moffat could exploit the heck out of. And that is….

2MTL 160: Time Differential Shorted Out for Classic DVD Releases

Shall we take a moment to revel in, or even squee over, the news that we're getting accelerated and synchronized classic Doctor Who DVD releases in North America, Australia and New Zealand? Indeed we shall.

