2MTL 184: Yes, I Have a Freak Flag

Please indulge me in yet another slightly extended podcast, with a little look at the proud eccentricities and the less-proud excesses and turf wars of Doctor Who fandom.

Andy Ihnatko's tongue-in-cheek Freak Flag Compact

The Podcast Podcast

2MTL 183: The (Anti-American???) Politics of Doctor Who

Doctor Who is anti-American? That's not exactly what Oklahoma City University professor Mark DiPaolo said in his Journal of Popular Culture article, but his assertions about the show's politics made some interesting fodder for BBC Radio 4's Thinking Allowed. Does this family SF show have a political point of view worth exploring…?

Thinking Allowed for Jan. 5

The Journal of Popular Culture

2MTL 182: "The Unquiet Dead" Two-minute Throwback

Resuming our trek through the revived series from the beginning, we take a look at the Victorian pseudo-historical featuring Charles Dickens, whose stories provided skeleton and muscle for the 2010 Christmas special.

2MTL 181: "A Christmas Carol" Reviewed

It was certainly a Christmasy Christmas special Steven Moffat provided us this year, although it DID bear a few resemblances to one from a few years ago. Here's my take on "A Christmas Carol." Many, many thanks to BBC America, Worldwide, and the mothership in Cardiff for bringing the show to the U.S. on the original trasmission date!

Chip on The Doctor Who Podcast and, Separately, Coughing Up a Lung

Apologies for the reduced 2MTL output lately. Work and impending holidays have kept me very busy, and now my wife and I are both fighting off illness. I hope to have a new 2MTL up soon, but in the meantime, here's a recap of my recent appearances on The Doctor Who Podcast:

Here's hoping I talk to you soon, but for now NyQuil is my first love.

2MTL 179: Top Gear's Lessons for "Doctor Who USA"

Top Gear America's taking it on the chin, dare I say unfairly, from the purist fans of the original. And that helps me predict whether Doctor Who will follow in The Office's footsteps as another BBC property being remade for U.S. audiences.

2MTL 178: Shearman and Hadoke's Running Through Corridors, Reviewed

Rob Shearman and Toby Hadoke's new book is the first in a series that takes a deep look at every Doctor Who episode from 1963 through 2009, beginning with the Hartnell and Troughton years. If you have any curiosity about the classic series at all, no matter how many stories you've actually seen, you won't regret snapping up a copy. Here's why.

(Many thanks to the Twitterfolk.)

BONUS: My full-length interview with Rob and Toby is on The Doctor Who Podcast #53.

2MTL 177: Timeless Doctor, Mortal Friends

Can a time traveler ever truly leave his companions and acquaintances behind? After all, the Doctor "is" friends with Winston Churchill even though Churchill's long dead! Thoughts about the mystical — except in the Doctor's own case — connections between all times and places lie within. (This one ran a little long; sorry!)

2MTL 176: "The End of the World" Two-minute Throwback

Resolved: "The End of the World" was the most important Series One episode to Doctor Who's breakout success in 2005. When you have a strong opening, the follow-up had better be a killer, and it was.