2MTL 220: Russell T. Davies on Crossovers and Torchwood's U.S. Appeal

Thanks to a blogger conference call hosted by Starz and BBC Worldwide Productions, I had the chance to ask Russell T. Davies why he thinks Torchwood caught fire in the United States. Earlier, Jef Burnham from filmmonthly.com raised a question I also asked in 2MTL 219: what's the future relationship between Doctor Who and Torchwood?

Special thanks to Chris Piers of Television Zombies for recording the call when I couldn't. I really wish he'd been called as well.

2MTL 219: The Summerfielding of Torchwood?

Torchwood: Miracle Day is coming! Just a bit more…slowly…for British viewers. Why is that, and how might Torchwood come to resemble the adventures of a time-traveling archaeologist?

See also: RTD's interview with the Guardian

2MTL 218: "The Long Game" Two-minute Throwback

Think of "The Long Game" as the mirror-universe version of "Torchwood: Children of Earth." Many of the same attitudes and philosophies Russell T. Davies portrayed in that later, much better work are present in "The Long Game." But in a cheap-sets far-future playground, it's much harder to muster finesse…

Shannon Patrick Sullivan's excellent A Brief History of Time (Travel) site breaks down the production of "The Long Game".

2MTL 217: Secretary Rumsfeld Assesses Series 7 Speculation

Collecting the known knowns, the known unknowns, an unknown unknown, and some speculation about the future of Series 7 of Doctor Who, known-known to air in 2012 and 2013.

Steven Manfred's (www.doctorwhodvdfaq.com) anonymously-sourced speculation on the Series 7 schedule was posted to the Gallifrey Base forums on June 18 in the Transmissions-"Doctor Who in 2012 [Mega Merged] Part 2" thread, post #972.

Stuart Ian Burns's excellent blog is at feelinglistless.blogspot.com.

2MTL 216: The All-Star Series 6.1 Roundtable (Time Dilation)

Three terrific writers and critics — Frank Collins (author of the Series 5 review The Pandorica Opens), Kyle Anderson (nerdist.com and battleshippretention.com) and Teresa Jusino (Tor.com and Newsarama) — look back on Series six-point-one. What worked and what didn't from "The Impossible Astronaut" to "A Good Man Goes to War"? Was Tom from The Doctor Who Podcast right about Series 6 being all about "identity"? What can we learn about "Moffat's Women"?