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Spoilers mild (for the first episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day) and not-so (for part one of Torchwood: Web of Lies for iOS) ahoy!
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Spoilers mild (for the first episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day) and not-so (for part one of Torchwood: Web of Lies for iOS) ahoy!
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Thanks to a blogger conference call hosted by Starz and BBC Worldwide Productions, I had the chance to ask Russell T. Davies why he thinks Torchwood caught fire in the United States. Earlier, Jef Burnham from filmmonthly.com raised a question I also asked in 2MTL 219: what's the future relationship between Doctor Who and Torchwood?
Special thanks to Chris Piers of Television Zombies for recording the call when I couldn't. I really wish he'd been called as well.
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Torchwood: Miracle Day is coming! Just a bit more…slowly…for British viewers. Why is that, and how might Torchwood come to resemble the adventures of a time-traveling archaeologist?
See also: RTD's interview with the Guardian
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Think of "The Long Game" as the mirror-universe version of "Torchwood: Children of Earth." Many of the same attitudes and philosophies Russell T. Davies portrayed in that later, much better work are present in "The Long Game." But in a cheap-sets far-future playground, it's much harder to muster finesse…
Shannon Patrick Sullivan's excellent A Brief History of Time (Travel) site breaks down the production of "The Long Game".
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Collecting the known knowns, the known unknowns, an unknown unknown, and some speculation about the future of Series 7 of Doctor Who, known-known to air in 2012 and 2013.
Steven Manfred's (www.doctorwhodvdfaq.com) anonymously-sourced speculation on the Series 7 schedule was posted to the Gallifrey Base forums on June 18 in the Transmissions-"Doctor Who in 2012 [Mega Merged] Part 2" thread, post #972.
Stuart Ian Burns's excellent blog is at feelinglistless.blogspot.com.
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Three terrific writers and critics — Frank Collins (author of the Series 5 review The Pandorica Opens), Kyle Anderson (nerdist.com and battleshippretention.com) and Teresa Jusino (Tor.com and Newsarama) — look back on Series six-point-one. What worked and what didn't from "The Impossible Astronaut" to "A Good Man Goes to War"? Was Tom from The Doctor Who Podcast right about Series 6 being all about "identity"? What can we learn about "Moffat's Women"?
Very gracious of the lads at The Doctor Who Podcast to invite me over to recap the first half of the series. It was my first time sharing a microphone with Tom and we had a blast. Check out DWP #85.
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With a long-awaited revelation, Series Six goes into summer dormancy. For all of its (welcome!) spectacle and charm, "A Good Man Goes to War" didn't entirely deliver its cliffhanger the way I hoped…
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Shorter short podcast: Matt Smith is absolutely fabulous as The Doctor, and "The Almost People" — Yes! "The Almost People"! — is possibly his greatest performance.
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Miss Manners being unavailable, I take it upon myself to pontificate about spoilers one last time, in light of the revelations about River Song yet to air outside the U.K.