2MTL 249: Will Amy Be Among the Great Companions?

This month Steven Moffat revealed that during Series 7 Amy Pond and Rory Williams (or some combination of surnames thereof) will be leaving the TARDIS for good. This raises the question — despite the undeniable talent of Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill — of whether their characters will have the lasting impact of other great Doctor Who companions. For me, the jury's still out until their departure…

2MTL 248: "The Empty Child" Two-minute Throwback

Wow, it's been a long time since I've done a Throwback Review. Let's remedy that with the debut of one Steven Moffat in an episode that evokes classic Who, the tropes of vintage 2005 RTD-era, and hints of the future Moffat era.

(OK, this runs five minutes. But, in my defense, there's audio clips and Guest Bullet Points and EVERYTHING!)

2MTL 247: The Lost Episodes Discovery of 2011

Frabjous day indeed, as two missing episodes from the '60s have been found! This calls for a celebration! And after you've listened to this episode, read the frankly brilliant Radio Times backgrounder on how these episodes were discovered.

Oh, and check out that TMDWP guy. He's pretty cool himself.

2MTL 246: The Caregiver's Tale (and How to Help Fight Monsters)

RTD's interview with Laurence Watts shed a sad light on the immediate future of his writing projects, as he takes on a more important role as caregiver.

The Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust is the U.K.'s largest funder of brain tumor research. If you would like to join me in supporting them, you can donate to their Gift of Hope campaign.

2MTL 245: A Bigger-on-the-Inside Christmas Mystery

Two bigger-on-the-inside worlds collide this Christmas in "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" — and the PARTICULAR collision between C.S. Lewis's worldview and Doctor Who's typical one has me wondering what the heck showrunner Steven Moffat is up to…

2MTL 244: Should a Doctor Who Movie Be a Fresh Start?

"Who" ought to be in pictures? If BBC Worldwide Productions and director David Yates have anything to say about it, apparently so! But what's this about casting aside 48 years of continuity and starting fresh for the silver screen?

2MTL 243: The Doctor Who Official Convention: "And There Was Much Rejoicing"

BBC Worldwide is throwing a couple of parties in Cardiff on March 24 and 25. So why the mixed reaction from Doctor Who fans for the first official Doctor Who convention in years?

2MTL 240: Three Series and Out for Matt Smith?

Did Matt Smith slip his true intentions, or was it just a slip of the tongue when he said he had only one more year of Doctor Who? Your returning host (and thank you so much for your support while I've been gone) pretends to know what he's talking about.