The DWO WhoCast took in some feedback from the multi-podcaster extravaganza about international scheduling, and Trevor and Marty allowed me to join them. Subscribe to the DWO WhoCast on iTunes! (EDIT: Apologies to those who already subscribed to the DWO WhoCast and double-downloaded 122 as a result. I've removed it from my feed.)
Category Archives: Podcast
2MTL #27: Outpost Gallifrey's Final Departure Play in new window | DownloadTonight Shaun Lyon announced that he would be shutting down the largest Doctor Who online forum and massive news site on July 31. The URL will now exclusively point to information about the ongoing series of conventions in Los Angeles. Forums are hard enough to maintain with small …
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2MTL #26 – TIME DILATION: Extended "The Ten Doctors" Interview Play in new window | DownloadThose few times I want to leave the "two-minute" format behind, you'll find them flagged as "Time Dilation" podcasts. Here's the first one: the full interview with Rich Morris and Hilary Doda, the team behind "The Ten Doctors," which we teased in 2MTL 25. Rich and Hilary were great fun to talk to; …
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2MTL #25: Meet the Team Behind "The Ten Doctors" Webcomic Play in new window | DownloadIt's done — all 247 pages of it. Rich Morris has completed his webcomic epic, The Ten Doctors. More than 6,000 unique hits a day and angry e-mails from a former hosting company attest to the fact that Rich's free comic struck a chord with Doctor Who fans. Meet …
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2MTL #24: Doctor Who Moves to BBC America Play in new window | DownloadWell, this is so totally not the podcast I was working on to release tonight. Variety reports, and Radio Free Skaro noticed that BBC America is bringing The Doctor home from the Sci Fi Channel. Brief thoughts attached…. Check back soon — hopefully tomorrow! — for a great feature …
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2MTL #23: Thank You, David Tennant Play in new window | DownloadWhen Benjamin Cook sent the tweet heard 'round the world from the set in Cardiff, we knew that David Tennant had completed his last day in principal photography as the Tenth Doctor. Even though we're still months away from his last episode's airing, as he walks away from the …
2MTL #22: The Highwayfan Challenges Mr. Moffat Play in new window | DownloadSo I've got this idea for an Eleventh Doctor story — one that I don't think has been done before…
2MTL #21: About That Casting Spoiler… Play in new window | DownloadI can hear the screaming now, in the distance. The words are carried on the wind: "What, again?" But as long as the story's executed well, I'm looking forward to the return of (SPOILER), as foretold by the set reporters and tabloids… The Two-minute Time Lord Podcast: Now and …
2MTL #20: Inaccurately Named (by Length and Trekkishness) Play in new window | DownloadThis is in no way a two-minute podcast this week. I apologize. Instead, it's a bit of a catch-up episode as I talk about my recent Secret Project adventure (the now-released multi-podcaster extravaganza that is DWO WhoCast #118 and #119) and draw some similarities between the Star Trek and …
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2MTL #19: Is There Enough "Space" in Doctor Who? Play in new window | DownloadAfter losing a few days to illness, busy-ness and Secret Project-ness (more later), the Two-minute Time Lord podcast returns to tackle a nagging argument over the state of the revived series. Has it been neglecting space and science-fictiony settings in favor of contemporary and historical stories? I confess: I …
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