Play in new window | DownloadIn which mi esposa makes a return appearance, and — nothing against Amy Pond! — makes known her preferences for the Doctor's future companions. (So, um, this was my April Fool episode — her commentary's entirely in Spanish. But the English translation's in 2MTL #115….)
Author Archives: That Chip Guy
2MTL 113: Placing My Bets on Series 5's Reception Play in new window | DownloadPrognostication and pontification are the order of the day, as I try to make a prediction — based on the few scenes we've seen and all the clues so far — about the trajectory of Matt Smith's debut among the general public. With the obvious handicap of me not …
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2MTL 112: Surveying the Sixth Doctor Play in new window | DownloadAs a Johnny-come-lately to so many aspects of classic Doctor Who, I've come to really appreciate the Sixth Doctor. He was the most impractical, cartoonish one of the lot — on the surface… Trevor and I reviewed the Big Finish Lost Stories, including my current fave Leviathan, on DWO …
2MTL 111: Remembering Remembrance of the Daleks Play in new window | DownloadWe interrupt my normal stream of thought to bring you this message: I have a deep and abiding love of "Remembrance of the Daleks." PLUS: A message from THE Tony Gallichan about a signing event for THE Colin Baker at Waterstone's Lakeside in the U.K. Podcasters will be present, …
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Other Podcasts I've Haunted Recently
It's been a while since I mentioned my appearances on other podcasts (some were planned, some not so much!), so here's a rundown. DWO WhoCast: Trevor and I talked about the first three Colin Baker "Lost Stories" for Big Finish in episode 168 and dissected Steven Moffat again — or at least, his second DWM …
2MTL 110: Big Finish, Overcoming Obstacles Play in new window | DownloadDespite some massive challenges in the marketplace, Big Finish continues to expand the Doctor Who universe by playing to the medium's strengths and giving classic characters new life. Recommended listening: Blood of the Daleks, Leviathan, The Council of Nicaea. I talked to Big Finish exec Jason Haigh-Ellery at Hurricane …
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2MTL 109: New Series Almost Here — Screenings and Bus Tours Play in new window | DownloadSome quick notes about some interesting promotions the Beeb and BBC America have cooking for Matt Smith's first series.
2MTL 108: Why I Dig "Chicks Dig Time Lords" Play in new window | DownloadThis'll be my last word on "Chicks Dig Time Lords" for a while, but I wanted to take two minutes to explain why I've paid so much attention to this great book and its contributors: it's personal. Past interviews include 2MTL 69 (Johanna Mead), 2MTL 72 (Tammy Garrison and …
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2MTL 107: A Twilighty, Pottery Doctor Who? Play in new window | DownloadIn which I defend the production team against accusations of Twilight-hood, and admit to a rather sillier hot-button issue of my own.
2MTL 106: Gallifrey One Wrap-up with Shaun Lyon (TIME DILATION) Play in new window | DownloadA tired but happy Shaun Lyon, program director and vice-chairman of the 2010 Gallifrey One convention, reflects on the con and plans for 2011… (The Two-minute Time Lord Podcast returns to actual two-minute episodes next time!)