2MTL 291: Neither a Barmaid Nor a Governess Be

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-291.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadClara Oswin Oswald — if that IS her REAL name — committed many and various sins against Victoriana in "The Snowmen." Shannon, spouse behind and brains of the 2MTL operation, enumerates the offenses and incongruities, suggesting that they're hints to her true nature.

2MTL 282: "The Angels Take Manhattan" Reviewed with Chris from Radio Free Skaro

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-282.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadFarewell to Amy and Rory! Chris from Radio Free Skaro reflects on departing companions and traveling alone, and I try (and somewhat fail) to separate "The Angels Take Manhattan" from the hype and show format. Plus a brief appreciation of Babylon 5's Michael O'Hare. All in successive two-minute (relatively) …

2MTL 281: "The Power of Three" Unbefuddled

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-281.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadAs we prepare to say goodbye to Amy and Rory, we get an episode that's — a love letter to Amy and Rory. Chris Chibnall's second Series 7 story works, but what's weird about it? See also your host's turn as a podicidal maniac in The Ood Cast, Series …

2MTL 280: "A Town Called Mercy" Reviewed

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-280.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadWell, pardners, there's no song 'n dance in "A Town Called Mercy," DOCTOR WHO's first Western since "The Gunfighters." It ain't a barrel of laughs for the Doctor this time, either. This is why y'all can't have long hiatuses in this TV show anymore; the hero tends to go …