Play in new window | DownloadPrompted by Erik's remembrance of Terrance Dicks in 2MTL 435, some thoughts about the modern moral character of the Doctor: how Doctors 9-12 changed the game from Terrance Dicks's model, and how the Thirteenth Doctor changes the game again.
Tag Archives: Ninth Doctor
2MTL 436: Eccleston on Eccleston Play in new window | DownloadA Mail on Sunday article previews Christopher Eccleston's revelation in his new book I Love the Bones of You: he lived with mental health issues while launching Doctor Who as the Ninth Doctor.
2MTL 432: Kayti Burt on Rose Tyler, Class, and Being Invited Into a TARDIS Play in new window | DownloadDen of Geek US's Kayti Burt saw herself in Rose Tyler, and watched as the TARDIS changed Rose just as Kayti's experiences–and her slowly growing distance from her working-class background–changed her. (You can listen to Kayti and Chip every week, along with Jen Burt and Warren Frey from Radio …
Continue reading "2MTL 432: Kayti Burt on Rose Tyler, Class, and Being Invited Into a TARDIS"
2MTL 375: Titan Comics and the Forgotten Doctor Play in new window | DownloadThere was a time, you know. A time when Jack Harkness had never died. Let's go back to the time of the Forgotten Doctor, courtesy of Titan Comics.
2MTL 270: Radio Rassilon on the Ninth Doctor (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadAnother excursion into Time Dilation follows, as we tie a bow around the Ninth Doctor's era with the incomparable Harry Medium and Leeson Fischer of the returning Radio Rassilon!
2MTL 267: "The Parting of the Ways" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | Download"You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away!" That's what the Doctor's taught Rose, she tells Mickey and Jackie during the most important scene in "The Parting of the Ways." But is this story about the triumph of the human spirit, or something …
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2MTL 263: "Bad Wolf" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadDoes Doctor Who suffer when it taps into trends, rather than trying to remain timeless? Exhibit A is "Bad Wolf," wherein reality TV takes a beating. Does it hold up? And how about that epic reveal which wasn't?
2MTL 223: "Father's Day" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadResuming our Throwback Reviews, we go back to the eighth episode of the 2005 revival of Doctor Who, "Father's Day" by Paul Cornell. (It's an interesting time to watch one of Christopher Eccleston's stories, after his recent remarks about his time on the show were repeated by Martyn from …
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2MTL 173: "Death of the Doctor," Resonating Concrete, and Knowing Your Modern Doctors Play in new window | Download"Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete." Sometimes, the Doctor is tinkering with something he can't take his attention from, which traps him in a revealing conversation. It's a scripting strategy that RTD and Steven Moffat have used since 2005, most recently in "Death of the Doctor," and it's worked …
2MTL 171: "Rose" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadBeginning an occasional subset of 2MTL podcasts, in which I give a two-minute (more or less, time's a relative dimension and all that) review of Doctor Who episodes since 2005. We begin with "Rose," perhaps the only episode in which we got a fair look at the Ninth Doctor.