2MTL 132: "The Time of Angels" and the Perils of High Expectations

Could "The Time of Angels" live up to the relentless fan adulation, or was I doomed to disappointment because my expectations were just too inflated? Well…at least there was one big development in the Doctor's character that made the episode worthwhile.

2MTL 131: SPOILER – Nat from Bridging the Rift Reviews "Vampires of Venice"

Nat from the excellent Bridging the Rift podcast looks at "Vampires of Venice," comparing it to the other standard-length single episodes we've had thus far in Series 5.

2MTL 130: "Victory of the Daleks" Revisited

In a time of GREATEST EPISODES EVAR, "Victory of the Daleks" meekly peeks its eyestalk out and asks the rest of the world, "Remember me? I wasn't that bad!"

(Big thanks to Mark Goodacre for posting Ross's review in 2MTL #129 while I was away.)

2MTL 129: SPOILERS – Creeping with Armstrong's Ross Reviews "Flesh and Stone"

Ross from Creeping with Armstrong reviews "Flesh and Stone", episode 5 in the 2010 series of Doctor Who. Guest introduction by Mark Goodacre.

2MTL 128: The Secret to Doctor Who's Success

An easy answer to the success of Doctor Who is that it's not limited by genre — and no doubt that's a big part. But even more important is the mystery of the elevenfold man, the Doctor himself. How does that help hold longtime fans who must inevitably say goodbye to "their" Doctor?

2MTL 127: Is There Such a Thing as an Eleventh Doctor?

So how many Doctors have there been: eleven or one? Steven Moffat's been pushing the second answer, although there's plenty of evidence to the contrary — not only in Doctor Who's near-50-year history, but in Moffat's own "The Beast Below."

2MTL 125: Hurricane Who's Uncertain Future

The last few weeks have revealed some important developments for the Orlando-based Doctor Who convention, and it's important that — for now — tickets are not purchased.

Full text of the podcast is below the fold.

May 12 UPDATE: Jarrod Cooper has posted an update to Hurricane Who's website. In part:

Though I hope the event will go ahead as planned, there is work to do and it is not yet certain.

To anyone who has booked for HW2, I’d suggest that if you haven’t already booked non-refundable airfares or other non-refundable items, that you consider holding off for the moment. If you have already booked something non-refundable, let us know and we’ll take that into account in our restructuring plans going forwards (operations@hurricanewho.com).

More information is at the Gallifrey Base "Argolis" forum.

The Gallifrey Base forums (registration required).

Tony Lee's withdrawal from the convention unless better news develops.

April 22 UPDATE: Two people have noted on Gallifrey Base that they have recently been in contact with Jarrod; it's good to know that he's all right. I'm adding a note to the beginning of the podcast pointing listeners to these show notes for further updates as concrete information emerges.

April 22 UPDATE: Tickets are no longer available from the Hurricane Who website:

Hurricane Who sales are currently suspended while a possible re-organization occurs that will determine the future of the event. Please watch this space for additional updates.

Sorry for any inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience, while these issues are worked through.

Continue reading "2MTL 125: Hurricane Who's Uncertain Future"