Two Minutes About Radio Free Skaro

Buried somewhere there in the back of their TWO-HOUR EPIC are my good wishes for the Radio Free Skaro crew, who just released their 200th "official" podcast. Let me share them here as well, in exactly two minutes. Helpful advance info: Chris is the guy who's talked about having a T-shirt made: "My Doctor is Asexual."

2MTL 137: SPOILERS – James from The Doctor Who Podcast Reviews "Cold Blood"

James from THE* and the Dad's Army Podcast takes his turn in the chair for his review of "Cold Blood."

* (I'm starting a campaign here and now — just as 2MTL is short for Two-minute Time Lord, I think the short form for The Doctor Who Podcast should simply be "THE.")

2MTL 134: TIME DILATION – Paul Cornell on His BBC3 Pilot "Pulse" and Loving Series 5

Memorize this Twitter hashtag: #pulsebbc3. 'Cos like Being Human before it, Paul Cornell's new pilot project — the science fiction/medical horror show Pulse (Facebook link) — has a chance to be picked up as a full series if the online reaction is strong enough. Paul talks with me about the show he scripted, and also takes me up on my invitation to gush about Doctor Who Series 5 for a bit.

(Time Dilation episodes of 2MTL put aside the two-minute format temporarily for longer interviews and such. And now you know…the rest of the story.)

2MTL 132: "The Time of Angels" and the Perils of High Expectations

Could "The Time of Angels" live up to the relentless fan adulation, or was I doomed to disappointment because my expectations were just too inflated? Well…at least there was one big development in the Doctor's character that made the episode worthwhile.

2MTL 131: SPOILER – Nat from Bridging the Rift Reviews "Vampires of Venice"

Nat from the excellent Bridging the Rift podcast looks at "Vampires of Venice," comparing it to the other standard-length single episodes we've had thus far in Series 5.

2MTL 130: "Victory of the Daleks" Revisited

In a time of GREATEST EPISODES EVAR, "Victory of the Daleks" meekly peeks its eyestalk out and asks the rest of the world, "Remember me? I wasn't that bad!"

(Big thanks to Mark Goodacre for posting Ross's review in 2MTL #129 while I was away.)