2MTL 288: Chicago TARDIS from Shannon's Perspective

While Chip's battling laryngitis, his wife makes another guest appearance: What was Chicago TARDIS like from the perspective of a Doctor Who fan whose tastes run more "Tennant" than "total"?

2MTL 287: "The Christmas Invasion" Two-minute Throwback

So this is Christmas, or it will be in a couple of weeks, and while we have visions of killer Snowmen dancing in our heads for this year's Christmas special, why don't we look back on modern Doctor Who's first? Yep, it's time to resume our "Throwback" reviews with "The Christmas Invasion."

2MTL 286: Toby Hadoke on "My Stepson Stole My Sonic Screwdriver" (Time Dilation)

"Friend of the show" Toby Hadoke debuted his third Edinburgh Fringe one-man show on American soil at Chicago TARDIS: "My Stepson Stole My Sonic Screwdriver." Toby and I have an honest, thoughtful conversation about where Doctor Who fits into his family life, his wrestling with psoriasis, and how to make fun of yourself as a Doctor Who fan.

2MTL 284: Radio Free Skaro's Steven on Doctor Who Day

Guest presenter Steven Schapansky of Radio Free Skaro has a ritual: same time every year, "An Unearthly Child." Why, and what goes through his head? Also, a flash thought from Chip about the Christmas "prequel."

2MTL 282: "The Angels Take Manhattan" Reviewed with Chris from Radio Free Skaro

Farewell to Amy and Rory! Chris from Radio Free Skaro reflects on departing companions and traveling alone, and I try (and somewhat fail) to separate "The Angels Take Manhattan" from the hype and show format. Plus a brief appreciation of Babylon 5's Michael O'Hare. All in successive two-minute (relatively) chunks.

2MTL 281: "The Power of Three" Unbefuddled

As we prepare to say goodbye to Amy and Rory, we get an episode that's — a love letter to Amy and Rory. Chris Chibnall's second Series 7 story works, but what's weird about it?

See also your host's turn as a podicidal maniac in The Ood Cast, Series 5, Episode 4.

2MTL 280: "A Town Called Mercy" Reviewed

Well, pardners, there's no song 'n dance in "A Town Called Mercy," DOCTOR WHO's first Western since "The Gunfighters." It ain't a barrel of laughs for the Doctor this time, either. This is why y'all can't have long hiatuses in this TV show anymore; the hero tends to go rogue after them!