2MTL 319: Why Who Beats Trek

Once upon a time, I had a TON of Star Trek reference books. Today, I have a teetering stack of Doctor Who Magazines. I've been dipping back into Star Trek recently, wondering why it no longer scratches the itch Doctor Who does.

2MTL 318: There Are No Fandom Gatekeepers

My wife Shannon guests with her reaction to the recent online criticism of Doctor Who "fangirls."

Uncharacteristically for 2MTL, Shannon has provided genuine show notes:

The tweet that started today’s mess, for which there has been something of an apology:

2MTL 316: What IS "Doctor Who Canon" Anyway??? (Time Dilation)

So while we wait for Sunday's announcement of the actor that will play the next Doctor, let's talk about that stickiest of subjects, Doctor Who canon. We won't discuss whether Dimensions in Time is "in" or Time Crash is "out" (the answer is no and no, by the way) but where this whole notion of canonical stories comes from in the first place: religion!

What does "Doctor Who canon" have in common with religious canon? How does one determine which stories "matter," and does a 50-year-old television series develop a canon in the same way that a 2,000 year-old (give or take) religion did? Rabid Doctor Who fan and New Testament historian Mark Goodacre is the perfect guest for this Time Dilation conversation. No proselytization, just Doctor Who geekery at its finest, placed in a historical context.

And Mark, update your website.

2MTL 314: What If the Next Doctor Isn't the Doctor?

So, how willing to break the mold might Steven Moffat be? Could Series 8 present the inverse of the scenario provided at the end of Series 7? Instead of a Doctor who rejected the name….

2MTL 313: A Non-white-male Doctor Would Be the Second Right Answer

Borrowing from Roger van Oech's books on creativity, I suggest that it's time for DOCTOR WHO to make a brave change in casting the next Doctor because it'll evolve the show in an important direction.

2MTL 312: Colin Baker, Andrew Cartmel, and The Ken Spivey Band (Time Dilation)

A jam-packed Time Dilation episode of 2MTL recorded at TimeGate 2013 in Atlanta, featuring the Sixth Doctor Colin Baker, a classic script editor, and a steampunk-Celtic-Time Lord rock band!

2MTL 310: "The Name of the Doctor" Reviewed

After virtually blowing up my bathroom (read the instructions on compressed-gas sink plungers CAREFULLY) it took me a while to catch up and review the series finale. I try to answer the two questions that MUST be answered: how about that Clara resolution, and how about that Greatest Secret?