2MTL 383: Pouring One Out for the New Paradigm Daleks

OK, so that was a great second trailer for Series 9, with loads and loads of Daleks.

Except for those guys introduced in "Victory of the Daleks."

Alas, the New Paradigm.

2MTL 381: BBC Under Attack? Toby Hadoke Helps an American Understand (Time Dilation)

Should the BBC give up on popular commercial programming like, oh, I don't know, Doctor Who? A "green paper" to be released today reportedly calls for reconsidering the British Broadcasting Corporation's purpose, while the government plans to force the BBC to dig deep into its own pockets to fund license fees for citizens over 75.

Is this the darkest timeline? 2MTL gets a little uncharacteristically political as I talk with friend of the show Toby Hadoke about what's behind these moves and whether Strictly and Sherlock and our favorite television show might be at risk.

(Also, check out Toby's play on BBC Radio Four, The Dad Who Fell to Earth.)

2MTL 380: Throwback Review of "The Age of Steel"

The Doctor and companions were threatened with maximum deletion last time, which I suppose is worse than simple deletion. I bet the Doctor had a clever way out of this one that had absolutely no deus ex machina involved, right?

Well, at least "The Age of Steel" is a cool name.

2MTL 379: Throwback Review of "Rise of the Cybermen"

If you were a classic fan who was on Team Cyberman rather than Team Dalek, this episode was long overdue. But was "Rise of the Cybermen" a proper re-introduction of the classic villains? Or were there too many stompy missteps out of the gate?

Where's 2MTL?

Two-minute Time Lord podcasts have been sporadic of late (an overused cutesy phrase online that translates to "Have been published at a rate approaching that of Harper Lee novels"), and I wanted to check in and explain.

Surprisingly, considering the length, 2MTL episodes take a lot of energy and focus. They're mostly scripted; I'm a writer by trade and I've given myself a tight format when I'm not doing Time Dilation segments, so I'm conscientious about each word and I want every podcast to be meaningful.

In recent weeks I've had a lot of evening meetings and appointments while at the same time dealing with an extended run of insomnia. That's left me with limited gas in the tank, which I've been saving for The Audio Guide to Babylon 5. 2MTL and Doctor Who are of course my first loves, but I can't let down my B5AG cohosts and right now it's easier to carry on a conversational podcast on a set schedule.

There's no formal hiatus; 2MTL will return soon. In the meantime, please check out B5AG and thanks for your support.

2MTL 377: (Not) Daydreaming of Being the Doctor

Why would a man-child geek culture hound, who has immersed himself in your Star Treks and Star Wars and Jason of Star Commands as a child, dreaming of being those characters and living in those worlds, become obsessed to the point of podcasting about a character, the Doctor, whom he absolutely cannot imagine being?

Asking for a friend.