Play in new window | DownloadCommunity, the NBC sitcom beloved of Doctor Who fans for its "Inspector Spacetime" parody, has parted ways with its creator, Dan Harmon. Community's cult audience is up in arms. What if the same thing ever happened to Doctor Who?
Author Archives: That Chip Guy
2MTL 267: "The Parting of the Ways" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | Download"You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away!" That's what the Doctor's taught Rose, she tells Mickey and Jackie during the most important scene in "The Parting of the Ways." But is this story about the triumph of the human spirit, or something …
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2MTL 266: Google's Glasses are a Cyber-Conspiracy, I Tell You! Play in new window | DownloadThe Bluetooth earpiece gag in "Rise of the Cybermen" was kind of obvious — it was made in 2005, after all — but Google's Project Glass plans revealed last month made me think that we're much closer to our impending cyber-conversions than previously anticipated!
2MTL 265: The Steven Moffat Evaluation (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadMay 2008 (not 2009, ignore your host during the podcast): Steven Moffat prepares to take the reins of Doctor Who in one of the most anticipated showrunner transitions ever. January 2010: Matt Smith kisses his knees, spits out cinders, and shouts, "Geronimo!" April 2012: A massive Time Dilation episode …
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2MTL 264: Who Should Win the Hugo? Play in new window | DownloadWill Who reign supreme at the 2012 Hugos? I thought I knew who I would vote for, were I a Worldcon member, but then I wavered not only over a non-Doctor Who nominee, but also questions about the nature of the awards themselves. Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) (512 …
2MTL 263: "Bad Wolf" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadDoes Doctor Who suffer when it taps into trends, rather than trying to remain timeless? Exhibit A is "Bad Wolf," wherein reality TV takes a beating. Does it hold up? And how about that epic reveal which wasn't?
2MTL 262: List of Demands Play in new window | DownloadBy the time Chip got around to thinking about what he'd like to see in Series Seven and the 50th anniversary, that cheeky Steven Moffat got around to making the darned thing without waiting for Chip's demands. This is not stopping the strangely assertive, possibly temporarily unhinged Chip from …
2MTL 261: If You Want a Really Alien Doctor, Look at Sheldon Cooper? Play in new window | DownloadGeeks have a love-hate relationship with The Big Bang Theory, America's favorite sitcom. I'm a Johnny-come-lately to the show, but when I saw it I suddenly got, after years of resistance, that a "truly alien" Doctor could really work in the modern series. (And yes, I'm saying that Smith …
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2MTL 260: And the Companion Played by Jenna-Louise Coleman Shall Be. . . Play in new window | DownloadEverybody welcome Jenna-Louise Coleman, who will play [PROPER NAME] when she [VERB, PRESENT TENSE] the Doctor at [PLACE] next season. As soon as her character's [NOUN] was announced, I knew her [GERUND] would be confidential among the [REDACTED] Doctor Who fans! But seriously, folks, what kind of companion is …
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2MTL 259: And the Next Actor Playing the Master Should Be… Play in new window | Download. . .a familiar face but not Benedict Cumberbatch.