Play in new window | DownloadApparently Hugo voters dig Doctor Who and essayists who dig time lords! Congratulations to 2011 Hugo winners "The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang" and Chicks Dig Time Lords. The Hugo Awards ceremony is on the Worldcon Ustream channel. (Thanks to Steven from Radio Free Skaro for the audio.)
Tag Archives: Tara O’Shea
2MTL 207: Your Neil Gaiman Preparedness Kit, Plus Spoilergate (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadFandom is so atomized: Take any two wildly popular genre figures such as "Doctor Who" and "Neil Gaiman" and you'll find many fans of one nearly unaware of the other. In this Time Dilation edition of 2MTL, Chicks Dig Time Lords co-editor Tara O'Shea and I take a walk …
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