2MTL 86: Foreshadowing The Waters of Mars

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-86.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadContinuing a theme from 2MTL 85, we take a look at just a few hints from Series 1-4 that indicated a direction for the Doctor's new journey begun in "The Waters of Mars." (Spoiler-free, for the benefit of international viewers.)

2MTL 83: Responding to io9, Defending RTD

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-83.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadAlasdair Wilkins, a contributor to SF blog io9, recently offered 5 Lessons We Hope RTD's Learned From His Past Doctor Who Epics. I disagree with a few of those lessons; what do you think? BONUS FEATURE: Bullet points!

2MTL 63: Solving the "Dalek" Dating Controversy

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-63.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSo the Series 1 episode "Dalek" is set in 2012. But "Doomsday" and "Journey's End" happened before them. HOW CAN WE RECONCILE THIS CONTRADICTION??? Very easily. (Also check out my early thoughts about the Time War and continuity in 2MTLs 8, 9 and 10.)

2MTL 59: Bringing Back More Old Companions

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-59.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadThere's enough separation between the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of Doctor Who to make a classic series companion's return a risky venture. For a mass audience, the "companion's return" story has simply been done, already. And even for a hardcore fan audience, nostalgia can only carry you so far. …

2MTL 51: Doctor Who's Third "Series One"

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-51.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadI know some folks who are going to be unhappy about the BBC's plans to renumber Team Moffat's first year as "Series One" (per DWM #411). But I don't think that's just a marketing decision. It says something about what's going to happen in 2010….

Episode Ratings from Outpost Gallifrey Compiled

The former Outpost Gallifrey/Doctor Who Forum is about to close, its messages vanishing into the ether on July 1. Whenever a new episode aired, three to five thousand fans on the forurm would rate the episode on a scale of one to five. With site owner Shaun Lyon's permission, I've copied the data into this …

2MTL #19: Is There Enough "Space" in Doctor Who?

https://twominutetimelord.com/podcasts/2mtl-19.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadAfter losing a few days to illness, busy-ness and Secret Project-ness (more later), the Two-minute Time Lord podcast returns to tackle a nagging argument over the state of the revived series. Has it been neglecting space and science-fictiony settings in favor of contemporary and historical stories? I confess: I …