Play in new window | DownloadPrompted by Erik's remembrance of Terrance Dicks in 2MTL 435, some thoughts about the modern moral character of the Doctor: how Doctors 9-12 changed the game from Terrance Dicks's model, and how the Thirteenth Doctor changes the game again.
Tag Archives: new series
2MTL 422: HOLD MY BEER. Play in new window | DownloadOK, so Chip has a new podcast that he's spending more time on, and yet he can't wait until next Tuesday to respond to this Guardian column: "How Can Smug, Stale Doctor Who Get Back to its Glory Days?" Here we go…
2MTL 345: Rebecca Moore and the Famous Infographic (Time Dilation) Play in new window | DownloadRebecca Moore and her fellow undergraduates at BYU-Idaho did a little study this year about female characters' representation in post-2005 DOCTOR WHO. You might have heard about it! I talk with Rebecca about what prompted the study, and what happened when her teammate Joseph Struhs's infographic got noticed on …
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2MTL 333: Restorative Numerology Play in new window | DownloadPossibly somewhat belatedly, 2MTL evaluates whether Matt Smith was the Eleventh or Thirteenth Doctor.
2MTL 328: The Day After the Day of the Doctor Play in new window | DownloadAfter my first viewing of "The Day of the Doctor," I thought that it was very much in the vein of "The Five Doctors." That can be a mixed blessing: "The Five Doctors" is beloved, and successful in celebrating 20 years of DOCTOR WHO, but not an example of …
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2MTL 278: Continuity of the Daleks Play in new window | DownloadOr: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Contradictions.
2MTL 277: "Asylum of the Daleks" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadI had low expectations of the Series 7 debut. Boy, do I have egg on my face.
2MTL 272: Whose Cyberman is it Anyway? Play in new window | DownloadAh, the Cybermen. Their convoluted history was neatly sidestepped by Russell T. Davies when he introduced parallel-universe counterparts in Series 2 — but have those Cybermen been quietly ushered off the stage?
2MTL 269: WHO IS THE DOCTOR Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadRumors of the death of the episode guidebook are greatly exaggerated! Who is the Doctor, by Graeme Burk and Robert Smith? is essential reading for the newly committed new series fan as well as old hands.
2MTL 263: "Bad Wolf" Two-minute Throwback Play in new window | DownloadDoes Doctor Who suffer when it taps into trends, rather than trying to remain timeless? Exhibit A is "Bad Wolf," wherein reality TV takes a beating. Does it hold up? And how about that epic reveal which wasn't?