2MTL 432: Kayti Burt on Rose Tyler, Class, and Being Invited Into a TARDIS

Den of Geek US's Kayti Burt saw herself in Rose Tyler, and watched as the TARDIS changed Rose just as Kayti's experiences–and her slowly growing distance from her working-class background–changed her.

(You can listen to Kayti and Chip every week, along with Jen Burt and Warren Frey from Radio Free Skaro, on the new THE EXPANSE rewatch podcast, "A Legitimate Salvage" on The Incomparable Network.)

2MTL 430: Joy Piedmont on Dating and Doctor Who

If you're searching for a Significant Other, how important is it that they be into the same things you are? If you're as immersed in Doctor Who fandom as Reality Bomb co-producer Joy Piedmont is, should a potential partner get into Doctor Who as well? The answer is more complicated than you might think.

2MTL 429: Doctor Who and Peak Pop Culture

Fans of every other franchise in the world seemed to have a lot to celebrate at San Diego Comic Con. Doctor Who wasn't part of the hype machine–so how IS our beloved time-travelling show doing these days?

2MTL 428: Nicole Hill on Danny Pink

Welcome to our first guest essayist of the new 2MTL! I met Nicole Hill in person for the first time at the 2019 Gallifrey One convention. It was a pleasure to talk with her then, and soon after I followed her on Twitter only soon after to read a couple of epic threads she wrote about one Danny Pink.

Nicole is the voice behind Black TARDIS. She writes about the show from her Black, queer, female perspective. You can follow her @BlackTARDIS on Twitter and visit her at blackinspaceandti.me

2MTL 425: Forward

A Christmas Eve reflection on what it means to let go of even a beloved Doctor, in order to embrace the future. (I now podcast about Doctor Who every week with Alyssa Franke at This Week in Time Travel on The Incomparable podcast network. Please follow us on Twitter or Facebook!)

2MTL 424: Wimbledon Nerves

The balloon's going up. Sunday after Wimbledon, we'll know who the Thirteenth Doctor is. Here are 120 seconds (more or less) of thoughts as fandom holds its breath.

I now podcast about Doctor Who every week with Alyssa Franke at This Week in Time Travel on The Incomparable podcast network. Please check us out!