2MTL 106: Gallifrey One Wrap-up with Shaun Lyon (TIME DILATION)

A tired but happy Shaun Lyon, program director and vice-chairman of the 2010 Gallifrey One convention, reflects on the con and plans for 2011…

(The Two-minute Time Lord Podcast returns to actual two-minute episodes next time!)

2MTL 104: Paul Cornell on Doctor Who's Past and Present (TIME DILATION)

I have a chat with "Father's Day" and "Human Nature" writer Paul Cornell about the New Adventures novels and the way their DNA can be found in 2005-2010 Doctor Who.

2MTL 103: Gallifrey One: The Con Before the Con (TIME DILATION)

Many guests arrived very early to Gallifrey One in Los Angeles, myself included. Today's Time Dilation episode of 2MTL is a series of short interviews showing off the diversity of Doctor Who fandom, and exploring why Gallifrey One has become such a popular destination. Guests include TARDIS-builder Tara, Nat from Bridging the Rift, MJ from the LiveJournal Doctor Who roleplaying group, costumer Johanna Mead, comics writer Tony Lee, and a lobby ukelele.

2MTL 100: Retcons, Authorial Intent, and "Getting Together"

POSITED: If there's nothing in the show to contradict it, it's not a "retcon." (RETroactive CONtinuity, a term that entered SF fandom from the comics world.) ALSO POSITED: If there IS something in the show…then it IS. WARNING: The words "Doctor" and "Rose" are used.