2MTL 271: Is Doctor Who a "Feel Good" Show?

Cloyingly sentimental? Exuberantly uplifting? That's not what our favorite family SF/adventure/horror saga has been about, with rare exceptions, over the last almost-50 years. And yet we fans can still turn to it when things are looking a little grim. There's something that Doctor Who does to brighten our day without even trying…

(Take the Facebook poll!)

2MTL 270: Radio Rassilon on the Ninth Doctor (Time Dilation)

Another excursion into Time Dilation follows, as we tie a bow around the Ninth Doctor's era with the incomparable Harry Medium and Leeson Fischer of the returning Radio Rassilon!

2MTL 268: Inspector Spacetime in Distress

Community, the NBC sitcom beloved of Doctor Who fans for its "Inspector Spacetime" parody, has parted ways with its creator, Dan Harmon. Community's cult audience is up in arms. What if the same thing ever happened to Doctor Who?

2MTL 267: "The Parting of the Ways" Two-minute Throwback

"You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away!" That's what the Doctor's taught Rose, she tells Mickey and Jackie during the most important scene in "The Parting of the Ways." But is this story about the triumph of the human spirit, or something much more bleak? And, oh yeah, isn't this someone's last episode?

2MTL 266: Google's Glasses are a Cyber-Conspiracy, I Tell You!

The Bluetooth earpiece gag in "Rise of the Cybermen" was kind of obvious — it was made in 2005, after all — but Google's Project Glass plans revealed last month made me think that we're much closer to our impending cyber-conversions than previously anticipated!

2MTL 265: The Steven Moffat Evaluation (Time Dilation)

May 2008 (not 2009, ignore your host during the podcast): Steven Moffat prepares to take the reins of Doctor Who in one of the most anticipated showrunner transitions ever.

January 2010: Matt Smith kisses his knees, spits out cinders, and shouts, "Geronimo!"

April 2012: A massive Time Dilation episode of the Two-minute Time Lord podcast assesses Steven Moffat's first two series and looks toward the future! Your principal panelists are Chicks Unravel Time editor Deb Stanish, Adventures with the Wife in Space blogger Neil Perryman, multitudinous writer Teresa Jusino and Radio Free Skaro's own Steven Schapansky.

But they're not the only ones weighing in, as we find out what fans thought about Series 5 and 6 at Gallifrey One 23 last February, and present some very special guests' two cents:

io9.com managing editor Charlie Jane Anders!
Doctor Who: Podshock co-founder Ken Deep!
Comics artist Pia Guerra!
Mythbusters co-host Grant Imahara!
Nerdist host and overlord Chris Hardwick!
Scottish comedian Charlie Ross!
Chicago Sun-Times tech columnist Andy Ihnatko!

As Series 7 commences production, what's the current state of Doctor Who? Find out now.

2MTL 264: Who Should Win the Hugo?

Will Who reign supreme at the 2012 Hugos? I thought I knew who I would vote for, were I a Worldcon member, but then I wavered not only over a non-Doctor Who nominee, but also questions about the nature of the awards themselves.

Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) (512 ballots)

"The Doctor's Wife" (Doctor Who), written by Neil Gaiman; directed by Richard Clark (BBC Wales)
  • "The Drink Tank's Hugo Acceptance Speech," Christopher J Garcia and James Bacon (Renovation)
  • "The Girl Who Waited" (Doctor Who), written by Tom MacRae; directed by Nick Hurran (BBC Wales)
  • "A Good Man Goes to War" (Doctor Who), written by Steven Moffat; directed by Peter Hoar (BBC Wales)
  • "Remedial Chaos Theory" (Community), written by Dan Harmon and Chris McKenna; directed by Jeff Melman (NBC)

2MTL 263: "Bad Wolf" Two-minute Throwback

Does Doctor Who suffer when it taps into trends, rather than trying to remain timeless? Exhibit A is "Bad Wolf," wherein reality TV takes a beating. Does it hold up? And how about that epic reveal which wasn't?