2MTL 345: Rebecca Moore and the Famous Infographic (Time Dilation)

Rebecca Moore and her fellow undergraduates at BYU-Idaho did a little study this year about female characters' representation in post-2005 DOCTOR WHO. You might have heard about it! I talk with Rebecca about what prompted the study, and what happened when her teammate Joseph Struhs's infographic got noticed on Tumblr and by The Guardian and went viral.

For other takes on the study, check out Verity! episode 43 and Charlie Jane Anders's io9 article, "Why the Bechdel Test is More Important Than You Realize."

2MTL 343: The Hugo Rorschach Test

Last month the Hugo nominees were revealed and thankfully, the controversies found in other award categories were absent in the Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) category. Which Doctor Who-related work, including the non-episodes AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME and THE FIVE(ISH) DOCTORS REBOOT deserve the nod? And, these days, what does a Hugo really mean?

(Sorry I've been away; launching The Audio Guide to Babylon 5 with Verity!'s Erika Ensign and my wife Shannon has been a bit of a distraction!)

2MTL 342: A (Character) Study in Clara

A departure for 2MTL: why pontificate about a character when I can approach it fictionally? Here's a character study about Clara Oswald, and what might have been beneath her blurted confession in "The Time of the Doctor."

2MTL 341: "Tooth and Claw" Two-minute Throwback

Eight years ago we saw a new side to the Doctor and his companion, who reached stratospheric levels of self-satisfaction. Was Queen Victoria right about what awful people they were? Are a smug Doctor and Rose worse than, say, a Doctor trying to brain a caveman or strangle a companion?

2MTL 339: DOCTOR WHO's Annual Checkup with Keith Topping and Jason Snell (Time Dilation)

In this Time-Dialated, Gallifrey One-facilitated interview show, two popular media observers with impeccable DOCTOR WHO credentials — Yer Actual Keith Telly Topping and The Incomparable's Jason Snell — help me look outside the fishbowl to see just how well our favorite television series is doing in the wider world of SF fans and TV viewers.

2MTL 338: Paul Cornell and Gary Russell at Gallifrey One

In our first of two extended Time Dilation episodes of 2MTL featuring interviews from Gallifrey One, we hear from two well-known Doctor Who pros that have launched new phases of their careers. Paul Cornell talks about his novels London Falling and the upcoming The Severed Streets, redefining Marvel's Wolverine, and IDW's "The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who." Gary Russell reflects on his long history with Doctor Who, and how he's carried that to Australia as a series producer for Planet 55 Studios.

2MTL 337: A Moment with Billie Piper

Illness tried and failed to stop Billie Piper from attending her first American convention. We talked about her decision to take on the roles of Rose Tyler in 2005 and The Moment in 2013 during a break in her marathon autograph sessions at Gallifrey One.