Torchwood: Children of Earth "Day One" Liveblog

Welcome to the Torchwood: Children of Earth liveblog for "Day One," being shown for the first time in the U.S. tonight on BBC America! Please feel free to add your comments to the feed. This is a SPOILER FREE zone, so if you've already seen T:CoE, please feel free to participate but keep the new …

2MTL 50: The Doctor's New Clothes Play in new window | DownloadThe BBC and just about all the fan sites have the press photos of Matt Smith in costume, and it confirms an interesting choice Steven Moffat made in casting the relatively unknown twentysomething actor…. Don't forget tonight's liveblog!

Liveblogging Torchwood: Children of Earth Monday, 8:45 PM EDT Play in new window | DownloadYou're invited to join me right here at for a liveblog discussion of BBC America's presentation of Torchwood: Children of Earth, Day One. I'll be posting my reactions and your comments in real time thanks to CoveritLive. It'll be moderated to be a spoiler-free zone, so folks who …

2MTL 49 – TIME DILATION: Extended Tony Lee Interview Play in new window | DownloadAs promised, here's the complete, unedited interview with Tony Lee, writer of the upcoming Doctor Who ongoing comics series by IDW Publishing… …in an (American) comic book store near you this Wednesday!

2MTL 48: Mr. Tony Lee's New Doctor Who Comic Play in new window | DownloadTony Lee's no stranger to writing Doctor Who comics — case in point — but now he's writing IDW's new ongoing title. I spoke to Tony about the new series, why it's about the Tenth Doctor rather than the Eleventh, and what we can look forward to. The new …

2MTL 47: Torchwood Wrap-up with Mark Play in new window | DownloadMark Goodacre returns with one last look at Torchwood: Children of Earth. 2MTL returns to a normal pace and schedule next week featuring an interview with Tony Lee, writer of IDW's new ongoing monthly Doctor Who comic series.