Play in new window | DownloadSeries 9 is over, and with it is Chip's fidelity to his podcast format: It's time for a series of longer Time Dilation episodes! First up, the first of two year-in-review episodes, this time with NPR's Petra Meyer and Hockey Feels co-host Rachel Donner.
Author Archives: That Chip Guy
2MTL 402: "Hell Bent" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadChip gets reflective as Doctor Who Series 9's year-long meditation on the dangers of emotional attachment comes to a close.
2MTL 401: "Heaven Sent" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadAfter millions of years of chipping away at a diamond wall, getting zapped by a creature from nightmares, and crawling to a teleporter to restart the cycle, I've released a podcast about "Heaven Sent."
2MTL 400: "Face the Raven" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadThe 400th episode of 2MTL coincides with the swan song of one Clara Oswald (and Chip is blissfully unaware of spoilers or synopses for the next two episodes, so he's going to hold to that position for now). And as modern companion departures go, there's been no equal. Check …
2MTL 399: "Sleep No More" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadFrom Professor Rasmussen speaking to camera and the complete lack of opening titles to a barely present score and unusual "resolution" to the episode, "Sleep No More" broke all the rules of Doctor Who. Now I'm afraid it'll be harder to break them again.
2MTL 398: "The Zygon Inversion" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadThe last man on Earth to watch "The Zygon Inversion" finally watches "The Zygon Inversion."
2MTL 397: Throwing Shades Play in new window | DownloadJust over halfway through Series 9, some fans have come to terms with the Sonic Sunglasses, and some are totally over them. Steven Moffat wouldn't have it any other way.
2MTL 396: "The Zygon Invasion" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadYour host's earlier fears about Osgood's fate and portrayal have been for the moment assuaged, and, oh by the way, this episode rocked.
2MTL 395: "The Woman Who Lived" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadA belated look at Maisie Williams's second turn of the season, featuring gratuitous Rufus Hound Fu.
2MTL 394: "The Girl Who Died" Reviewed Play in new window | DownloadFor a change, I'm not reserving judgment on a story until its conclusion airs. I'm praising a story becauseĀ it's not finished yet.